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Main Documentation


This documentation will provide the insight on to every method available from Matchmaking Service. This will include methods intended for internal use, these are still documented, just in case you ever need them.


Every method here that involves a player object most likely also has an "Id" variant. Internally, everything is done with user ids, but the helper methods exist to streamline the process. This means if you see a method called RemovePlayersFromGame, there is another method called RemovePlayersFromGameId where instead of player objects, user ids are passed. If you're in doubt whether or not an id variant exists for the method you are using, I recommend looking through the source, if it exists, it will have the same name suffixed with Id. "Id" variants will not be listed here unless there is no regular variant.

Obtaining Singleton

Gets or creates the top level singleton of the matchmaking service.

Parameter Name Type Description Default Value
options table The options to provide matchmaking service {}
options.MajorVersion string The major version to use nil
options.DisableRatingSystem boolean Whether or not to disable the rating system false
options.DisableExpansions boolean Whether or not to disable expansions false
options.DisableGlobalEvents boolean Whether or not to disable global events false


Type Description
MatchmakingService The matchmaking service singleton

Clearing the Memory

Clears all memory aside from player data.


Listening for Players Being Added to Queue

You can listen to players being added to the queue globally. This will fire in waves when coming from other servers. This is a signal, so you need to connect to it. Below is a table of what it passes, in order.

Type Description
number The player's UserId
string The map the player queued for
string The rating type the player queued for
number The rounded rating value of the player. CAN BE NIL

Connecting to the listener is simple:

MatchmakingService.PlayerAddedToQueue:Connect(function(player, map, ratingType, roundedRating)
    print(player, map, ratingType, roundedRating)

Listening for Players Being Removed from the Queue

You can listen to players being removed from the queue globally. This will fire in waves when coming from other servers. This is a signal, so you need to connect to it. Below is a table of what it passes, in order.

Type Description
number The player's UserId
string The map the player queued for
string The rating type the player queued for
number The rounded rating value of the player. CAN BE NIL

Connecting to the listener is simple:

MatchmakingService.PlayerRemovedFromQueue:Connect(function(player, map, ratingType, roundedRating)
    print(player, map, ratingType, roundedRating)

Listening for Finding Games

You can listen for when players find games. This signal is not global. Below is a table of what it passes, in order.

Type Description
number The player's UserId
string The unique code which identifies the game
table The game data
MatchmakingService.FoundGame:Connect(function(player, gameCode, gameData)
    print(player, gameCode, gameData)

Applying Custom Teleport Data to Players

You can apply custom teleport data to players to access it in the game when they are teleported. This is a function that you can bind to. You may only bind to it once. Below is a table of what it passes, in order. This function can return anything, but some things won't be replicated to other servers. Metatables and instances will not be passed correctly. This should mainly return strings and numbers, or a table of them so that you can reconstruct instances on the server, or just obtain general data that you need in the game.

Type Description
Player The Player
table The game data

You can bind this function like so:

MatchmakingService.ApplyCustomTeleportData = function(player, gameData)
    return {["Some"]="Custom",["Data"]="Table"}

To retrieve it on the instance server where players are teleported to, you'll need to do something like this:

    local playerData = MatchmakingService:GetUserData(player)
The user id is passed as a string (this is out of our control, it is converted to a string when passed), so you must use tostring on player.UserId to properly get their data.

Applying Custom Teleport Data to the Game

You can apply custom teleport data to the game overall (which may be conditional). This is a function that you can bind to. You may only bind to it once. Below is a table of what it passes, in order. This function can return anything, but some things won't be replicated to other servers. Metatables and instances will not be passed correctly. This should mainly return strings and numbers, or a table of them so that you can reconstruct instances on the server, or just obtain general data that you need in the game.

Type Description
table The game data

You can bind this function like so:

MatchmakingService.ApplyGeneralTeleportData = function(gameData)
    return {["Some"]="Custom",["Data"]="Table"}

To retrieve it on the instance server where players are teleported to, you'll need to do something like this:

    local gameData = MatchmakingService:GetGameData() -- gets the current game's data, includes custom data
The user id is passed as a string (this is out of our control, it is converted to a string when passed), so you must use tostring on player.UserId to properly get their data.

Setting Matchmaking Interval

Sets the matchmaking interval.

Parameter Name Type Description Default Value
newInterval number The new matchmaking interval

Setting the Player Range

Sets the min/max players.

Parameter Name Type Description Default Value
map string The map the player range applies to
newPlayerRange number The NumberRange with the min and max players
MatchmakingService:SetPlayerRange(map, newPlayerRange)

Adding A New Map

Add a new game place.

Parameter Name Type Description Default Value
name string The name of the map
id number The place id to teleport to
MatchmakingService:AddGamePlace(name, id)

Seting Is Game Server

Sets whether or not this is a game server.


Disables match finding coroutine if newValue is true.

Parameter Name Type Description Default Value
newValue boolean A boolean that indicates whether or not this server is a game server
updateJoinableOnLeave boolean A boolean that indicates whether or not to update the joinable status when a player leaves
MatchmakingService:SetIsGameServer(newValue, updateJoinableOnLeave)

Setting the Starting Ranking Mean

Sets the starting mean of OpenSkill objects.


Do not modify this unless you know what you're doing.

Parameter Name Type Description Default Value
newStartingMean number The new starting mean

Setting the Starting Ranking Standard Deviation

Sets the starting standard deviation of OpenSkill objects.


Do not modify this unless you know what you're doing.

Parameter Name Type Description Default Value
newStartingStandardDeviation number The new starting standing deviation

Setting the Max Skill Gap Between Party Members

Sets the max gap in rating between party members.

Parameter Name Type Description Default Value
newMaxGap number The new max gap between party members

Setting the Seconds Between Queue Expansions

Sets the number of seconds between each queue expansion.

Parameter Name Type Description Default Value
newValue number The new value, in seconds, of seconds between each queue expansion


An expansion is 10 rounded skill level in each direction. If a player is skill level 25, they get rounded to 30. A signle expansion from the 30 skill level queue will search also in 20 and 40.

Setting the Seconds to Delay Teleporting

Sets the number of seconds to delay teleporting after finding a game. If you want to so a UI, or something along those lines.

Parameter Name Type Description Default Value
newValue number The new value, in seconds, of the delay

Getting the Current Game's Code

Gets the current game's code. This only works on game servers!



Type Description
string The game code of the current game

Getting Game Data

Gets a running game's data. This includes its code, ratingType, and any general game data you applied through the ApplyGeneralTeleportData function. This will not return custom player data, for that use GetUserData(player).

Parameter Name Type Description Default Value
code string The game's code MatchmakingService:GetCurrentGameCode()


Type Description
table The game's data, if there is any


This game data should not be confused with the game data returned by GetRunningGame. This data has the following format, and includes custom data:

    ["gameCode"] = string
    ["ratingType"] = string
    -- This table includes the data set by `ApplyGeneralTeleportData`. 
    -- If you `return {["key"]="value"}` in `ApplyGeneralTeleportData`, 
    -- then this table will include `["key"] = "value"` as well.

Getting User Data

Gets a user's custom data for the game they are currently in. This will return nil if they're not in a game, or if you haven't applied any custom data.

Parameter Name Type Description Default Value
player Player The player to get the data of


Type Description
Variant The data set by ApplyCustomTeleportData for this player

Obtaining a Rating Value from an OpenSkill Object

Turns an OpenSkill object into a single rating number.

Parameter Name Type Description Default Value
openSkillObject OpenSkill object The OpenSkill object


Type Description
number The single number representation of the object

Obtaining an OpenSkill Object

Gets or initializes a players OpenSkill object.


You should not edit this directly unless you know what you're doing.

Parameter Name Type Description Default Value
player Player The player to get the OpenSkill object of
ratingType string The rating type to get
MatchmakingService:GetPlayerRating(player, ratingType)


Type Description
OpenSkill object The OpenSkill object (which is just 2 numbers)

Setting an OpenSkill Object

Sets a player's skill.


You should not edit this directly unless you know what you're doing.

Parameter Name Type Description Default Value
player Player The player to set the OpenSkill object of
ratingType string The rating type to get
rating OpenSkill object The new OpenSkill object
MatchmakingService:SetPlayerRating(player, ratingType, rating)

Clearing a Player's Info

Clears the player info.

Parameter Name Type Description Default Value
player Player The player to clear

Setting a Player's info

Sets the player info.

Parameter Name Type Description Default Value
player Player The player to update
code string The game id that the player will teleport to, if any
ratingType string The rating type of their current game, if any
party table The player's party (table of user ids including the player)
map string The player's queued map, if any
teleportAfter number The time after which the player will be teleported
MatchmakingService:SetPlayerInfo(player, code, ratingType, party, map, teleportAfter)

Getting a Player's Info

Gets the player info.

Parameter Name Type Description Default Value
player Player The player to get


Type Description
table or nil The player info

Getting all running games

Gets all running games from memory.



Type Description
table An array of {key: gameCode, value: gameData} dictionaries


Game data is the information tied to a game. Game data has this format:

    ["full"] = boolean
    ["skillLevel"] = number
    ["players"] = table<PlayerId>
    ["started"] = boolean
    ["joinable"] = boolean
    ["ratingType"] = string
    ["map"] = string
    ["createTime"] = number

Getting running games

Gets running games up to a specificed amount that pass a filter function.

Parameter Name Type Description Default Value
max number The maximum number of games to get
filter function A filter function which is passed the game data. Should return true if passed
MatchmakingService:GetRunningGames(max, filter)


Type Description
table An array of {key: gameCode, value: gameData} dictionaries

Getting a single running game

Gets a single running game from memory.

Parameter Name Type Description Default Value
code string The unique code of the game nil


Type Description
table A single game data dictionary or nil

Getting the Queue

Gets a table of user ids, ratingTypes, and skillLevels in a specific queue.

Parameter Name Type Description Default Value
map string The map to get the queue of

Getting Queue Counts

Counts the number of players in each queue and returns a table and number of all of them added together.



Type Description
table A dictionary of {map: {ratingType: count}} where map is the name of the map they queued for, ratingType is the ratingType they queue for, and count is the number of users in that queue
number The total of all queue counts added together

Queueing a Single Player

Queues a player.

Parameter Name Type Description Default Value
player Player The player to queue
ratingType string The rating type to use
map string The map to queue them on
MatchmakingService:QueuePlayer(player, ratingType, map)


Type Description
boolean A boolean that is true if the player was queued

Queueing a Party

Queues a party.

Parameter Name Type Description Default Value
players table<​Player> The players to queue
ratingType string The rating type to use
map string The map to queue them on
MatchmakingService:QueueParty(players, ratingType, map)


Type Description
boolean A boolean that is true if the party was queued
Player The player that caused the queue to not start
string The reason the queue did not start


The second and third return values are nil if the first value is true.

Getting a Player's Party

Gets a player's party.

Parameter Name Type Description Default Value
player Player The player to get the party of


Type Description
table<​number> A table of player id's of players in the party including this player

Remove a Single Player from the Queue

Removes a specific player from the queue.

Parameter Name Type Description Default Value
player Player The player to remove from queue


Type Description
boolean A boolean indicating if there was no error (true if there was no error)

Remove Multiple Players from the Queue

Removes a table of players from the queue.

Parameter Name Type Description Default Value
players table<​Player> The players to remove from queue


Type Description
boolean A boolean indicating if there was no error (true if there was no error)

Adding A Player to an Existing Game

Adds a player to a specific existing game.

Parameter Name Type Description Default Value
player Player The player to add to the game
gameId string The id of the game to add the player to
updateJoinable boolean Whether or not to update the joinable status of the game
MatchmakingService:AddPlayerToGame(player, gameId, updateJoinable)


Type Description
boolean A boolean indicating if there was no error (true if there was no error)

Adding Multiple Players to an Existing Game

Adds a table of players to a specific existing game.

Parameter Name Type Description Default Value
player table<​Player> The players to add to the game
gameId string The id of the game to add the player to
updateJoinable boolean Whether or not to update the joinable status of the game
MatchmakingService:AddPlayersToGame(players, gameId, updateJoinable)


Type Description
boolean A boolean indicating if there was no error (true if there was no error)

Removing a Player from a Game

Removes a specific player from an existing game.

Parameter Name Type Description Default Value
player Player The player to remove from the game
gameId string The id of the game to remove the player from
updateJoinable boolean Whether or not to update the joinable status of the game
MatchmakingService:RemovePlayersFromGame(players, gameId, updateJoinable)


Type Description
boolean A boolean indicating if there was no error (true if there was no error)

Updating Ratings

Update player ratings after a game is over.

Parameter Name Type Description Default Value
ratingType string The rating type this is applicable for
ranks table<​number> The ranks of the teams. #scores should be the same as the #teams
teams table<​Player> The teams. A table of tables which contain players
MatchmakingService:UpdateRatings(ratingType, ranks, teams)


Basically, lets have this scenario in the ratingType ranked:

  local team1 = {player1, player2}
  local team2 = {player3, player4}
  local team3 = {player5, player6}
Let’s say team2 came first, team1 came second and team3 came third. To update the ratings correctly, you would do this:

MatchmakingService:UpdateRatings("ranked", {2, 1, 3}, {team1, team2, team3})

{2,1,3} is important, and so is order. Order is extremely important here. Because I passed the teams in order, I can give the position of each team in order. As previously stated team1 placed second, therefore because team1 is the first team in the teams table, it also has the first value in the rankings table.


Type Description
boolean A boolean indicating if there was no error (true if there was no error)

Set the Game's Joinable Status

Sets the joinable status of a game.

Parameter Name Type Description Default Value
gameId string The id of the game to update
joinable boolean Whether or not the game will be joinable
MatchmakingService:SetJoinable(gameId, joinable)


Type Description
boolean A boolean indicating if there was no error (true if there was no error)

Remove the Current Game from Memory

Removes the current game from memory. This is called by MMS automatically since v2. You should only call this to remove a game, but keep the server running.



Type Description
boolean A boolean indicating if there was no error (true if there was no error)

Start a Game

Starts a game.

Parameter Name Type Description Default Value
gameId string The game to start
joinable boolean Whether or not the game is still joinable
MatchmakingService:StartGame(gameId, joinable)


Type Description
boolean A boolean indicating if there was no error (true if there was no error)